Since staging a protest during a performance of the national anthem, Kaepernick's China football Jersey has been the top seller on the NFL Store's website.His #7 jersey is listed for $99, which could mean a lot of money for the second-string quarterback.
According to the agreement between the NFLPA, the players' union, and the league, players gets two-thirds of the money made by selling Minnesota Vikings Jerseys. The other third goes to the union -- and some of that goes into a pool for all NFL players.
The NFLPA and the NFL did not immediately respond to CNNMoney's questions about whether they would donate any money they make from the sales.It's not clear how much money the jersey has generated thus far. But the boost in sales, which is a sign of support for Kaepernick, is especially surprising given that he lost his starting position last season.Related: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on racial tensions in the U.S.
Kaepernick has received both public scorn and shows of support for his protest."I wasn't expecting my Cincinnati Bengals Jerseys sales to jump to number one because of [my protest], but it shows the people's belief that we can achieve justice and equality for ALL!" Kaepernick wrote. "The only way I can repay you for the support is to return the favor by donating all the proceeds I receive from my jersey sales back into the communities!"