do you know how much i love you ? | CHICHA-CHAKA-LA-BU!!



i always think about her.
Every time, every moment, think about her.
i cant sleep well cuz of love sick.
to make a song, i can confirm whether my love is true.
so im going to make a one love song for her and i offer you.
of course, i express my song by my style, HIPHOP.
please listen...

Do you know how much i love you ?

Hey Girl さえ言えない...sigh
you and i 全く縁がないんじゃない?そう思えてもしかたない
初めて見たとき love at first sight マジnice
but i didnt know that time im getting creasy of you
back offできない脳から だから恋ってゆうのかな?
彼女だけが生き甲斐となる毎日 日に日に増していく Love is...
please give your smile only me, i wanna occupy you...
but now i cant do it and never do it...
day by day... love is become bigger and bigger
how can i do for you?俺には無理かな...

I LOVE U, I wanna say you. Every time i care you.
Im sorry i cant do anything if you are feeling bad or sad.
But my feeling dont change that I LOVE U.

寝れない夜はよくやる...Lets assume that you and me love each other.
Only do that 嬉しくなれる 君の存在で俺は強くなる
むき出しの感情 俺は恥ずかしくないよ
いつまで経っても キモチは1つだよ
会話する胸の中 いつになっても変わらないdistance you and me
when u are crying, i wanna be with you
please rely on, lie on 俺は見方だよ
if you want, i can kill who beef you
for you, i can do anything きっと
そういって俺は胸にキメる 俺が幸せにする、と
Hey me, shut a fuck up!

I LOVE U, I wanna say you. Every time i care you.
Im sorry i cant do anything if you are feeling bad or sad.
But my feeling dont change that I LOVE U.

do you know how much i love you ?
please answer me, answer me.
you can only do it in my chest and brain cuz ya are not here.
my pillow is always wet cuz of my tear.
my tear for you can fill car tank of the cuzzler.
i wanna know you more, i wanna share the time with you
but if i feel so, you dont feel so
i think... i cant bother you...
but no one in the world more than me, I LOVE U.
Love is not easy..? of course..yes.
easy love mustnt call LOVE.
why people love someone?
why people find a love?
i wanna find solution with you of them....

thank you.