蔵見学のお客様 | 【奄美黒糖焼酎】弥生焼酎杜氏ブログ







Last week's distillery tour guests

 The reservation was made by phone from Mr. John in Tokyo, and the woman in the accounting department asked, "Is Mr. John a foreigner?" I told her that the president of the company I work for is also "Zen" and his name is "John-san". I was talking to him and he was the son of the president (now chairman) of the entire company. He is the general manager of Sakura Group in Fuchu. From now on, I'm going to choose Moranbong as my yakiniku sauce.

 I shook her hand firmly saying I used to work part-time at Sakura Sanbankan 30 years ago.

 It was very exciting! Please come visit us again, everyone.

#本格焼酎 #黒糖焼酎 #奄美黒糖焼酎 #芋焼酎 #麦焼酎 #米焼酎 #泡盛 #焼酎 #shochu #弥生焼酎醸造所 #弥生 #まんこい #まんこいレモンサワー #日本一のレモンサワー #レモンサワー #spirits #rum #ron #奄美大島 #居酒屋 #日本酒🍶 #sake #焼酎好きな人と繋がりたい #モランボン #さくらコマース #府中 #八王子