On "Public Executions in Iran" in December 2022. | There can be only one...

There can be only one...

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Marvelous and Swell..., Goddamn it!

Theme: On "Public Executions in Iran" in December 2022.




 §1. 英語

 §2. Japanese

 §3. News on "Public Executions in Iran"

 §4. Further Related Readings

 §5. HashTags


§1. 英語
If a religion exists for the good of the people, it has a certain value.
However, if a religion has a high tendency to disregard people's lives and to bring misfortune to them, then such a religion has no value at all for most people.
It is the few who profit from the disregard for human life and the misery of the many who find some value in such a religion.

There are political systems in which religious doctrines and politics operate inseparably.
This is called【unity of religion and politics】.
It is a form of politics that has historically been divided into【church-state】and【state church】.


If a religious polity functions in a way that guarantees the lives of the people belonging to that polity and makes many of them happy, then it has a certain value for many people belonging to that polity.
However, if religious politics functions in a way that disrespects the lives of the people belonging to that political system and makes many people unhappy, then religious politics has no value for the many people belonging to that political system.
It is the few who profit from the disregard for human life and the misery of the many who find some value in such religious politics.



§2. Japanese




§3. News on "Public Executions in Iran".

§4. Further Related Readings with Human Rights



§5. HashTags
#UrgentActions, #MurderByRegion, #CliminalRegion.
#MahsaAmini, #MurderingMahsaAmini,#NonAccident, #NonNaturalDeath, 

#MurderByPolice, #CliminalPolice, #PoliceBrutality.
#MajidrezaRahnavard, #MurderByGovernment,#MurderByNation.
#PublicExecution, #Iran, #CliminalNation, #EvilAxis. 

#UnityOfReligionAndPolitics, #ChurchState, #StateChurch.

#政教一致, #教会国家, #国家教会,

#Impunity, #UnfairTrials, #DeathPenalty, #DeathInCustody,
#JusticeSystems, #CensorshipAndFreedomOfExpression,
#KillingsAndDisappearances, #RacialDiscrimination.

Against #TheFreedomOfExpression, #InternationalJustice,
#ProtestsAndDemonstrations, #UnLawfulKillings, #WomensRight,

#HumanRights, #HumanRights2022,
