“Indian giver”

・・・ people who expect something in return for a present.

Unconsiously, we expect for something in return.

It can be a thing, word, reaction, or anything.

But we expect "something".

Maybe not all people, but most people do.

If a person failed to get what he/she hoped to get,
how would that person feel?

Upset? Shocked? Hurt?


Gradually, we realize that our expectations
cannot be fulfilled all the time.

So we learn not to expect too much
in order to save ourselves from getting hurt.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance
that they will love you back.

We should never expect love in return.

Just wait for it to grow in their heart.

But if it doesn't, we should be content it grew in ours.


But deep down, we still believe
giving all our love will be an assurance
that they will love us back.

We hope it to grow in their heart as well;
not only in our heart.

There are facts we can understand in our mind,
but at the same time,
there are facts we could never understand by heart.