bachelorete party | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

uni really afraid when this vihacle comes, everytime i dragged her mom also afraid (`∀´)

i think its cool (°∀°)b


actually there was no plan having bachelorete party,

i was finished around four to five, then i called uni where she was

she said she was at Puri Ayu-Martha Tillar

since i was tired, i asked her help to make reservation on creambath hotstone

then i called cen also

so there we were

then we had our dinner at Bebek Goreng Kanwa ( ´艸`)

cen and uni had bebek goreng 1

and when i asked for more on ayam goreng, the owner gave it to cen

cen and uni said 'she wanted it, not us'




then we go home since uni's parents called her all the time (`∀´)

uni gave me sedap malam flower ( ´艸`)

as usual, everytime after got hot stone i slept well (‐^▽^‐)