uni's wedding | antiquary


A MAD GIRL BLOG END HERE......another journey just begin

June 19, 2010

Yuni Triana(uni) wedding

she is one of my three best friends.

we knew her love story since we were in university,

we know her long winding road before today,

we know her preparation with her wedding

we laugh and cried together

but now we see him begin a new journey with the man that she choose and put her trust.

Good luck with your new life,

we always pray all the best for you.

The wedding agenda, Islam and traditional way :

* Akad Nikah ( Ijab Kabul ) at 16:00

* Temu Manten at 18:00

* Resepsi (the party) begin at 19:00

(it is almost the same with murti san wedding ceremony, that i also put on in the entry)

cen and me came in Akad Nikah,

since she is our best friend and our house quite near to the place, and because the bride a.k.a uni called me at 12 o'clook asked to have another nail polish (`∀´)

so we came around 3 o'clook just to polish her nails (^o^;)

and of course chit chat to the groom also; does he ready?, do you nervous?, are you sure you will not forget the line? (`∀´)(`∀´)(`∀´)

during the polishing we also talked with uni's mom and dad, since cen and me who kidnaped uni the night before (`∀´)

exatcly at 16:00 the bride and the groom goes to Mesjid, to have Akad Nikah ( Ijab Kabul ).

Ijab Kabul

in here, cen and me both fall for tears when the groom said the words "Ya, saya terima Yuni Triana sebagai istri saya yang sah"

she really our best friend


it is called 'Serah terima Mas Kawin'

and the Mas Kawin are Seperangkat Alat Sholat(Mukena) and Notebook

smart girl (°∀°)b , she asked Notebook


uni and gatot with uni parents


we couldn't came at Temu Manten, because both me and cen have to make up(we didn't make up in Akad Nikah) and also changed clothes.

this is after Mr and Ms. Winarno down from panggung

uni looks so pretty and glowing

gatot too,

because they all happy



uni really tired and starving (´∀`)


i already said before, if i said i can, it can

i wear Kebaya and its BLACK (`∀´)(`∀´)(`∀´) hahahahaha

and uni just (`ε´) hahahahaha

and she said to me "you know i want that kind of make up also" (`∀´)

and to cen "take off your clothes" (`∀´)


photo by uni



friends forever


credit: cen and me make up by Missha beauty advisor using Missha products.