Thanks for visiting ! I'll be writing what i think and how i feel everyday especially about working holiday and ILAC which is the language school. Plz feel free to visit anytime. Enjoy it.

Hm......... I'm sorry to write it in English. However everybody can understand it because my writing is so easy lol And That's why I don't wanna show my depressed situation anymore obviously. Anyway.... Hm.... "I'm lonely" That's it. Actually I work in the restaurant. But.... I'm lethargic... And it's aparthy syndrome lol I know I'm silly. I can't do anything more. Just I gotta look up instead of looking down. Just I feel like alone. So I wanna go to school all the time. I really liked ILAC... I know I'm blessed with good surrounding. Nobody can study abroad easily. In my case I've gone to the school for 6 months. I traveled to Europe. And I've lived in here. That's enough. To be honest , I regret not to choose the student visa though. In my opinion I recommend the student visa... Ah I spoiled me. It must be by myself. Cheer up Eri ! Just be patient ! I have nice circumstances ! Study hard ! But I really think about to go back earlier or not. I can't make sense to stay here anymore. I think someone is gonna be angry when they see this blog. It's ridiculous to complain about it. I know because I think so too lol By the way , this writing doesn't have a purpose so I'm gonna finish it ^^ Just I wanted to kill the time ~~~ and blow off. Uh feel refreshed ! Have a good day guys !