英語で話しましょう - Dear Mr. X | アダモービス 英語

アダモービス 英語


Japanese Version 日本語版はこちら

Dear Mr. X:

I hope this article finds you well. I read through your blog and I noticed that you are making progress on your study. I will find your articles more interesting if you write in English, and if you were to expand and address where improvements are needed. I am sure you have much to offer with more of a dialogue.

Although you lament that there are fellow bloggers who are not nice to you in cyber space, I tend to agree with them. You hold your cards very close to your chest and still like to collect information from others. This may be difficult for you to read. You even mention that your blog is intended to give a gentle push to those whom share the aspiration to study English. You are mistaken.

We are making efforts studying and writing articles here to exchange information and learn from one another. I find it pertinent with myself to communicate in such a way that fellow bloggers, including myself, can learn and integrate with what they already know.

If you want to write about your progress on your study, it may be more beneficial to write in English. Write what you learned from other blogs. Otherwise, the intention of "sharing" and the equilibrium of exchange do not get established between you and other fellow bloggers.

I surmise these were not your intentions. My guess is that you have neglected to note the benefit of reciprocity to gain mutuality for the benefit of us all. Please take this message in a good light and learn from it.


“Mr. X” does not mean those who have the Ameba IDs similar to it.


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