










Body temperature drops = metabolism decreases !?
The Ministry of Health says at Labor and Welfare's report on basic metabolism states, "If the body surface area is large, the amount of heat released from the body surface is proportionally large. The metabolic rate increases by 13% for every 1°C increase in body temperature. As a result, people with higher body temperatures have greater basal metabolism." Someone reversed it and said that "As body temperature decreases, metabolism decreases". In addition, the wording changes from there, and you often see descriptions that say, "When body temperature drops by 1°C...".

But I don't see the source listed, so apparently they're copying what someone wrote somewhere without checking. Therefore, although the Ministry says "13%", there are many cases where "12%" is mistakenly entered. It is proof that someone made a wrong description, and the next person copied it without checking it.
By the way, although the source is not mentioned in this report of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, but I have checked the address of the source (I will not mention it here).


Now, the report says, "The metabolism increases with fever during exercise."
In other words, metabolism worsens when the activity of muscles, which are the heat-generating organs, is reduced.

If your muscles do not move, your blood flow will be poor.

If your blood flow is impaired, oxygen and nutrients will not reach the end of your body tissue, and conversely, waste collection from the end of the tissue will not work.

This means that your body's tissues are slow to regenerate and aging occurs.

If your body's cells and tissues age and deteriorate, you will not be able to beat the virus that has entered from outside.

This leads to "lower your immunity".
Conversely, if your peripheral blood circulation is good, your metabolism will increase and your immunity will increase.

Lack of sleep = Immune system will make error !?
……(to be continued)