Continuing from the data I posted to this blog on April 7th and 14th, 24th, May 4th, I calculated the death toll from Wuhan Coronavirus as a percentage of the population of each country (as of May 15th).
           Apr. 7th  14th     24th  May 4th   15th
Spain   =0.021→0.036→0.048→0.053→0.058%
     (4694万 [46.94 million]:27,321人[people])
Italy     =0.027→0.033→0.043→0.048→0.052%
     (6036万 [60.36 million]:31,368人[people])
France =0.013→0.021→0.033→0.037→0.041%
     (6699万 [66.99 million]:27,425人[people])
UK       =0.008→0.016→0.029→0.043→0.050
     (6665万 [66.65 million]:33,614人[people])
U.S.A.   =0.003→0.007→0.015→0.021→0.026
     (3.272億 [327.2 million]:84,985人[people])
Korea   =0.00038→0.00042→0.00046→0.00049→0.00050%
     ( 5147万 [51.47 million]: 260人[people])
China    =0.00024→0.00024→0.00036→0.00036→0.00036%
     (14億++[1.4 billion ++]:4,643人[people])
Japan   =0.00006→0.00011→0.00019→0.00043→0.00057%
     (1.259億[125.9 million]: 713人[people])
No one believes the number of Wuhan-corona fatalities in China's reported.
The greatfull effort of Japanese medical workers can be seen in numbers. Thank you!!