first catch-up post | jesse ☆彡のブログ

jesse ☆彡のブログ


hi ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ today i decided to start catching up on the events i haven't been blogging. so, this is the beginning of the last few weeks.

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

i painted my best friend a bag with creamy mami's locket... it has many layers to look sparkly and glossy like the one from the anime and it has a magical looking glitter finish.

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

finally i got something from kyary pamyu pamyu's mameshiba collaboration! my friend bought it for me from akibahara as a going away present. ・°・(ノД`)・°・ sadly, it broke so i'm going to make it in to a necklace soon.

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

$jesse ☆彡のブログ

i decided to paint a spottie dottie shirt for myself instead of wishing to thrift one or something. ドキドキ

hopefully i will reach my goal and have many more pictures tomorrow, maybe i'll even be all caught up by then and i can resume posting about my day very often.