On Sep. 30th, 2022, Putin's Annexation. | There can be only one...

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Marvelous and Swell..., Goddamn it!

Title:On [September 30, 2022], Putin's actions on Annexation of Ukrainian regions.



"Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson - Russia!"(7:32 PM GMT+9).
4 Regions were taken by Russia BY FORCE.


★[10:07 PM GMT+9] Putin signs documents to annex Ukrainian regions

★[9:28 PM GMT+9] Putin says Russia has 'four new regions' as he announces annexation of Ukrainian territory

★[8:16 PM GMT+9] Putin informs Russian parliament of plan to annex Ukrainian regions

★[7:32 PM GMT+9] Factbox: The four regions that Russia is poised to annex from Ukraine

★Ros Krasny(Sep. 30th, 2022, 15:48 JST)"Ukraine Latest: Putin Says Four Regions’ Annexation Is ‘Forever’", Bloomberg.com.