英語の迷い道(その163)-「真の幸福感とは」-平和と繁栄の中の日本人 | 流離の翻訳者 果てしなき旅路

流離の翻訳者 果てしなき旅路





















問1 下線部を英語に訳しなさい。


問2 この著者の意見について、どう思いますか。あなたの意見を、50語程度の英語で述べなさい。






Over the past half century, Japanese people have sought a convenient, comfortable, and prosperous life, and have almost realized it. Japan has developed into a major economic power like never before in the history, and we are enjoying such a life of convenience and comfort as none of our ancestors could have ever experienced. It is just beyond the imagination of Japanese people in the past that current Japan is in a situation where every home is equipped with cars, refrigerators, washing machines, etc., which were once owned only by the rich. There are full of food and clothes in the city, and appliances such as televisions, computers, fax machines, and mobile phones are used as daily commodities. Further, the high speed of airplanes and Shinkansen bullet trains becomes ordinary affairs. We have been enjoying peace for more than 50 years.

In other words, Japanese people are now in an unprecedented peace and prosperity. And everybody knows this.

On the other hand, why do we feel, I think, a weak sense of true happiness despite the fact that we are living in such a prosperous society?




Our lives and society have certainly become richer in terms of materiality, but I don’t think we have become richer in terms of spirituality. First of all, what is spiritual richness? It may be health, relationships, or work, which is different from person to person. Unless these things are satisfied, we won't feel true happiness.

(55 words)